About Us
BREEDER OF LONG AND SMOOTH COAT CHIHUAHUA'S Established - 1985 Having grown up with dogs and from a young age showing Great Danes and later Miniature Pinschers with my mother and father I then moved onto my own breed of Chihuahua's at a very young age of 13. My first Chihuahua was a lovely little smooth pet girl given to me by my mother's then employer who bred Chi's as pets. I then purchased my first show speciman a lovely little Chocolate, Tan and White Long Coat male (Aust Champion ROBEAU CALABOS) and the rest is now history - many years later. I always mention to many an aquitance / friend " once touched and owned by a little Chi, you will never be without one as part of your life". Over the years I have had much success with my dogs in the show ring. First and foremost my dogs are part of our family. Win or loose at the dog show I always bring the best home with me regardless of the Judges decision on the day. Wachowa Chihuahua's is a relatively small kennel, but known WORLD WIDE for our outstanding quality & soundness we are situated in Sunny Queensland "Australia". My young daughter "Mellissa" is showing the same keen interest in my dogs as myself and I am happy to share my experiences with her. My vision for the future is to continue to selectively breed happy, healthy and contented Chihuahua's for both pets and show. I follow very ethical breeding proceedures and uphold the rules of the CCC (Qld) at all times.
"Wachowa Chihuahua's promotes responsible pure bred dog ownership" Due to Local Council Regulations the number of dogs that I can keep is limited - so wish to thank my many friends and relatives who help to care for the "WACHOWA" Chihuahua's without them the continued success of this kennel would not be possible.
Mrs Jennifer Watt Brisbane, QLD, Australia Phone : 0418153115 Email : [email protected] |